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what i've been up to, plus other cool stuff

ISSUE #009, SEP. 15, 2021

hi friends,

since we last spoke, i’ve made some significant efforts towards getting some projects taken care of. i’m running a bit behind on production of my first YouTube video but it’s coming along nicely. i’m still aiming for next week, with the possibility of — unfortunately — another delay… i’m doing what i can and i want to make sure this new work is the best it can possibly be!

in my spare time, i’ve been digitizing all of my old records (educational, medical, the whole deal) from the past 10ish years. that’s been fun. i’ve just been scanning everything with my iPad and AirDropping it to my Mac. and today, i’m working on cleaning, organizing, and getting stuff ready for future projects. that’s not really that interesting, i know, but that’s the goal!

also happening today, most likely, is the unceremonious ordering of my phone replacement! not really too happy about this one since it’s not really on my terms, it’s on a company’s terms due to multiple issues with my phone, but it is what is i suppose. i need to focus on the positive side of things more often. i really don’t do that enough. this whole situation is a story for another day, trust me.

other than that, i’m going to be spending the afternoon with my grandparents tomorrow. i’m looking forward to it. i’ve missed them so much and it’s been very slow catching up with them with this whole pandemic thing still around. but we’re getting back to normalcy, and that brings me a lot of joy! 🙂

the inbox

my inbox has been mainly filled with kind messages from my birthday, people asking for animal pics (see below), or just forwards of interesting links y’all think i’ll be interesting in reading — thanks, by the way — and i’d love to share some of those with you now:

pet pics

don’t worry, i’ve got your pet pic fix. just Shadow this time around who decide to go underneath the blankets while i was trying to make the bed. (i eventually gave up.)

and that’s it! so nice to catch up with you, and i plan on doing it more often than i have these past couple weeks. feel free to reply to this email to send me stuff, if that’s your jam. you can also email me directly at [email protected]!

wishing you all the best.


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