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psst, i've got something very important to tell you!

ISSUE #010, Dec. 09, 2021

hi there, long time no see!

sorry, it’s been a minute. how are you? i’m sorry to say this right off the bat, but this is only a really quick check-in as i actually have some really cool news to share with you. i promise i’ll do a longer one soon, but this couldn’t wai

i have been hard at work on another project aside from my book that has been moved forward in the release order… and i’m not joking when i mean this announcement i’m making is a life announcement.

okay, so basically, i prepared some words… can you tell i’m nervous? okay, okay, here they are…

After talking it over with my parents, and after encouragement from friends, I’ve made a very important life decision. Starting today, I have (officially) become a full-time, self-employed creator! What was originally going to be a passion project is going to be my full time job. It’s going to take a lot of work, but I don’t doubt my ability to do it at all, because I know I can.

I count myself lucky to have the people I hold close as friends and family. I’m grateful to my parents for allowing me to follow my heart and encouraging me to do what I love. And I couldn’t be more thankful.

I’m very excited for what the future holds, and I’m very excited to introduce myself to the internet on video very soon!

Here’s to the beginning of something truly amazing!

again, none of what i’m going to be doing will be easy… but with all the support i’ve got behind me now and in the future, i’ve no doubt that i can’t handle it!

here’s to whatever the future holds! and if we don’t talk before the holidays, then i wish you a very safe and wonderful holiday season and a very happy new year!


you can find my YouTube here, and before people ask, i’m still working on a simple patreon/donation system thing for those who feel inclined to help out that way! i’ll share more updates very soon 🙂

if you’d like to get in touch, simply reply to this email message or email [email protected]!

188 Shopping Plaza Rd, Rutland, VT 05701
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