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** The Bulletin ** February 26, 2022

hello you,

so much has changed since we last spoke in December (sorry!) I hope this email can be an escape from the wild stuff for even just a moment… (I’ll still be mentioning the serious stuff, but it’ll be clearly marked towards the end of this email so you can skip over it, I promise!)

I really hope you’ve been well, all things considered. I’ll be the first to admit I’ve been pretty stressed out and a ball of anxiety. earlier this month (on the night of the Super Bowl), I tested positive for COVID-19 which sucked. (I had already been presumed positive two days prior and had been isolating. thankfully I just missed the window of exposing my grandparents, sparing them from the awful time that whole thing was. I have since recovered and am healthy once more! yay for being vaccinated!

also, I apologize for not dropping in more often. obviously I’ve been pretty overwhelmed (and definitely need a break eventually… but I think I’ll be speaking more here as time progresses. I enjoy writing these things up because 1) I love communicating with y’all and 2) I love sharing what I’m working on in a place that’s a lot less intense than social media. this feels old school in a good way 🙂

anyways, enough of that… lots has been going on around here that I just wanted to talk about!

New Website, New Blog

I redesigned my website, giving it a fresh coat of paint and new lease on life. I wasn’t initially sure how I wanted it to look but I think it’s perfect now. little tweaks here and there over time will make it even better. I even redesigned my blog, which is pretty cool, and I finally feel an incentive to start writing again. So that’s pretty cool.

oh, and I took the extra step to combine my website and blog into one. no more, it’s all on one name. pretty epic!

YouTube launch

I finally did it… after saying I was going to for months, I finally launched my channel on YouTube with a video essay regarding the impending closure of the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U eShops next year.

Dear Nintendo... Please don't close the 3DS and Wii U eShops

Blog Posts

there are a few new blog posts I recommend checking out! (oh, and a really long story time on Tumblr about my first ankle injury, too! I also posted an abridged version of the story to my blog if you just want the TL:DR.)

Now, for the serious stuff

I’ve released an official statement on the events in Ukraine, which is linked below (resize by clicking/tapping on the image.) the situation is absolutely heartbreaking.

Like many, I've been watching the events in Ukraine unfold these past few days heartbroken and in tears. The stories I've read from journalists who are based in Kyiv tell a troubling tale, one filled with tears and anxiety. But one thing has been made clear: this attack by Russia was made in cold blood. As an American watching from the West, I'm scared for the Ukranian people. I'm scared of what power Russia holds and what their intentions truly are. And above all else, I'm scared for the future of all of our nations.  Russia must be held accountable for their actions. I believe Russia should be removed from the United Nations Security Council and replaced as soon as possible, if not immediately.  Ukraine deserves justice. Anything less is simply unacceptable.  Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini!) (Glory to Ukraine!)

Слава Україні! (Slava Ukraini!) (Glory to Ukraine!) 💙💛


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