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introducing On Linux – the new blog series

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** The Bulletin ** May 6th, 2022


it has been a week around here. i’ll be pulling back a bit just to handle some things going on in my life and making myself a bit more available for people. nothing major, at least nothing i want to get into, just want to put a focus on the relationships in my life that i hold dear. i know y’all will understand <3

i’m thinking of scaling back my interactions with social media. it’s become something i go to whenever i’m feeling anxious and i end up doomscrolling for hours on end. it’s not healthy. i’m proud of myself for recognizing that, but i obviously need to take action… whether that’s turning comments off or something else… i don’t know yet.

anyways, you’re here because i’m launching a brand new series on my blog! it’s called On Linux, and the first post is live right now!

Read the blog post

i’ll be in touch again soon! <3

sending love and hugs your way:

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188 Shopping Plaza Rd, Rutland, VT 05701
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