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i'm back from my break!

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** The Bulletin ** July 17, 2022

Hey you,

Things are still wild around here, but I’m hanging in there and I hope that you are, too. Figured I’d write you a little quick note as a follow up to my last bulletin.

I spent some time with family and recuperated. Even in the moments where there was stress and anxiety, there was some light and that made everything worth it to me. I think some good came out of this, too — but it’s going to be a while before we see all the effects of that. If you could keep my family and I in your thoughts, it’d mean the world to us as everyone works through the remainder of everything going on. (Again, being vague, please respect our privacy on that front.)

Besides all that, I’m back to work on my next big projects…

I rearranged my desk a bit, in case you were wondering… a photo from that time (tap to see the Instagram post with full-size image)

You will love a lot of what I’m working on, I promise. There’s the Kakariko Herald relaunch coming, some writing stuff, and maybe even a video or two. Stay tuned. I’ll have more to share soonish!

Alright, enough excitement, it’s time for me to head to bed. I plan to sleep for a while and hopefully enjoy some kitty cuddles while I’m at it.

Baby steps, folks, baby steps…


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