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struggle bus

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** The Bulletin ** July 6, 2022

The past few weeks have been hell, to put it simply. I’m not really sure how much I can or cannot say — because it’s a private matter only a select few are aware of — so just take my word for it.

I’ve been doing my best to hang in there, but to be honest, those efforts have mostly been in vain. I’ve been struggling mentally with everything going on and it’s taking a toll. I plan to get away from everything soon: go visit some friends, do things, and just relax once this is all said and done. I’m hoping that time comes sooner rather than later.

Since I last wrote you all, I’ve spent some time analyzing the WWDC 2022 Keynote and have been testing iOS 16 on my second phone. (I use an Android primarily now.) It’s actually been pretty stable on my 2020 iPhone SE, but obviously with any beta, that can change with time as more features are added/tweaked/removed. (Oh, and I haven’t daily driven it yet… but if you’d like to vote on whether or not I should, click here!)

I’ve spent a lot of my evenings listening to Spotify and playing PC Building Simulator. I even enjoyed part of the open beta for the sequel as well. Safe to say I’m excited for that.

I’ve also rewritten my website from the ground up and resurrected some old projects from the archives just for posterity (and future embarrassment). This has helped keep myself calm and focus on whatever else I need to do in the meantime.

As for other things I’m working on, I’d like to throw a few videos on to YouTube at some point. Things have stalled due to circumstances beyond my control, but it’s something I am working on. Ideas have been conjured and written into a document somewhere just waiting to be acted upon. I’m sure something will come soon.

I know this email was a bit heavier than my last. This has been a rollercoaster, and believe me when I say it: I’m ready for a break.

Until next time…

P.S.: It’s okay not to be okay. Take things one day at a time. It helps.

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