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Iconfactory Launches Kickstarter for “Project Tapestry,” Universal Inbox for the Web

Iconfactory writes:

Our plan is to fund and then build Tapestry as an iOS app over the course of 9 to 12 months with the following features and functionality:

  • 🕰️ Unified, chronological timeline
  • 🔍 Detail view for individual posts
  • 📙 Remember your reading position in the timeline
  • 🌎 Ability to add common publicly accessible sources to your timeline, such as Mastodon accounts, RSS feeds, and more (see below)
  • 🛠️ Basic support for building and adding your own plug-ins to support additional source types
  • 📱 Support for iPhone and iPad
  • 🗣️ Full accessibility via VoiceOver support
  • 🆎 Support for dynamic font resizing
  • 💡 Light and Dark theme

I’m really excited for this! I’ve always wanted one app to rule them all, and this would certainly be a push for me to return to iOS full-time. They’re looking for about $100,000 USD of funding, and as of writing, they’re sitting at about $42,000 USD. If this is of interest to you, please consider giving a few dollars! The Iconfactory are brilliant humans (who I wish I could work with) and they’re absolutely worth your support!

(Disclosure: Ged Maheux is a friend of the blog, and the human who writes it–but he and the Iconfactory team did not have any say in this post going live for readers.)